Monday 18 February 2013

Are we doomed or what?
Doomed youths, I guess

Is it not surprising and frustrating to see the youth of today insulting each other, fighting each other and labelling each other? At this critical time in the life of young people in the country (Swaziland) and probably in the world at large. Where most of the illnesses ad mistakes done by those in power affects young people. The youth being the largest population in the country, one would expect the youth to be playing a major role in shaping their future. One would expect the youth to be holding hands, walking side by side, males and females fighting against the unjust situations and involving themselves in ensuring that a bright future is created. It is hurting, frustrating and disturbing to learn that we are doing the opposite of unity. Today’s fashion among the youth is saying if I differ with your view, it means we are enemies and more than that you deserve an insult. Wow, amazing!
I was so lucky today to finish my daily task early at work, which is why I also had the chance to write down my thoughts. As I was thinking on what to do next, debating either to dash away from work or find something to do, “boom” it’s an email, notifying me about someone who has just posted something on our fb page. Ok, this might be interesting. I quickly read through, this guy is asking a very important question. Something that may assist everyone who may also have the same question, but this person does this in a mockery way and also shows clear signs that he is aware of what he is asking but it’s just that he decided to mock someone. The question goes like “Honest question what is Luvatsi? Is it a political party or a political party in disguise?” (Luvatsi – a siSwati name for the Swaziland Youth Empowerment Organization, an organization that is trying to create an enabling environment for youth participation), then I’m like an honest question my, why then the two options if it’s a genuine question and interested to know? Anyways, we once saw a similar question before and responded to it professionally, faithfully and fully, but again along the way we discovered that we were just being taken for a ride, as we were then attacked for having offices, websites, hosting activities and basically for the work that we do.
Through this drama that has been going on for years and still going on today, the attacks, fights and everything, one wonders if our generation will be able to establish any foundation that will exist and address key issues in the country for our own benefit and the ones to come. Nelson Mandela says “Today we are planting a tree, which its shadow will be enjoyed by others”. We on the other hand are weeding off the seeds planted. We seem to focus more on undermining and pulling each other down whilst we boast about our own achievements and how long we have in the struggle. Facebook has now become a forum to harm the reputation of others. In Tunisia, Egypt and other countries have used social networks as one of the tools to fasten and strengthened their struggle. So in our case and in real sense is this what should be happening nowadays? Is the youth doing justice by all these crap? What kind of future are we hoping to reap through this? We tend to forget that we should be playing an active role in shaping our future. In any case if we choose to continue with the path that we have taken, we are giving the government and the rulling party all the powers to continue directing our country into the mess.
What happened to the Swaziland that we as young people dream of and vision in the next 5 – 10 years? The Swaziland that guarantees good governance, every graduate a job, access to education for all children, the elderly taken care of, a country with comprehensive health care at affordable rates, freedom of expression without fear of victimisation, access to sexual and reproductive health, you name it.
At the moment, as young people we have mismanaged our minds, ideas and time. All this time has gone to waste and will not yield any benefits. Therefore my appeal as I share these thoughts, one – differing in ideas doesn’t mean we are enemies or should be enemies, probably that is where debates should take place up until a soft and fine solution is produced, but again it doesn’t mean that everything should go through debates. At some point we should agree to dis-agree, that is not a sin and shouldn’t separate us.
Secondly – collective efforts have been seen, tried and tested in so many countries. It has worked in favour of the people, no matter what they have been facing. It is time we put aside our differences and try again working collectively, with honesty and dedication. SYA – (Swaziland Youth in Action) is ready as soon as we are.

Defending one of my own, just like I would do to any other creditable foundation.

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